

NACTF 2019   Newbie CTF 2019   RITSEC CTF 2019   UTC CTF 2019   KAF CTF 2019

  • NACTF - Sep 2019


    Pink Panther - 50

    Rahul loves the Pink Panther. He even made this website: http://pinkpanther.web.2019.nactf.com

    I think he hid a message somewhere on the webpage, but I don't know where... can you INSPECT and find the message?


    Open the given link and view-source of the website

    Scooby Doo - 100

    Kira loves to watch Scooby Doo so much that she made a website about it! She also added a clicker game which looks impossible.

    Can you use your inspector skills from Pink Panther to reveal the flag?



    Open the given link view-source

    To get flag, we need to change the opacity of <img> tags to 1

    Dexter's Lab - 125

    Please check in on your brother's lab at https://dexterslab.web.2019.nactf.com We know his username is Dexter,

    but we don't know his password! Maybe you can use a SQL injection? Mom + Dad


    Open the given link

    To get flag, we need to login to the site with username dexter and password 1' OR '1'='1 a basic SQL Injection

    Sasame street - 150

    Surprisingly, The20thDuck loves cookies! He also has no idea how to use php.

    He accidentally messed up a cookie so it's only available on the countdown page... Also why use cookies in the first place?



    Open the given link

    Go to http://sesamestreet.web.2019.nactf.com/countdown.php. Edit cookie session-time,

    change the Path to flag.php, change the value to a large number such as 2568986265.

    Finally, go to http://sesamestreet.web.2019.nactf.com/flag.php, we will get flag

  • Newbie CTF - Nov 2019


    Top Secret - 643

    He stole the virtual machine file containing the top secret of the enemy country.

    However, due to the shortage of USB memory, I dumped only the memory that seemed to be the most important.

    What is the secret of an enemy country? (Fake Flag file exists.)



    Download the given File

    The file is VMEM which is a virtual memory (RAM of virtual device)

    To analyse VMEM files, we can use Volatility tool with this Reference

    But we can also solve this task by simply finding strings since we know the flag format

    strings "Windows 7 Enterprise K-b94208dd.vmem" | grep -oE "KorNewbie{.*}"

    Chat - 980

    Confidential information came and went through chat. Find the email of the user who used the chat.

    Flag: KorNewbie{email_address}



    Download the given File

    The file contains Windows 10 Virtual Machine which can be imported to VMware or Virtual Box

    Since no password has been provided for windows 10 virtual machines, we have to bypass the windows password

    After bypassing windows password goto recent files in This PC. we find a Document named "last_pc_login.dat"

    Open the file "last_pc_login.dat" and you will find the required email addresss

  • RITSEC CTF - Nov 2019


    Misdirection - 100

    Looks like someone gave you the wrong directions!


    Flag format is RS{ }


    Open the given Link in Burp proxy

    We can observe the page redirects several times

    Analyse the pages at Burp - Proxy - HTTP History, we can see the redirected pages have single charaters R, S, %7B, 4, etc. which is in our RI{} flag format

    Buckets of Fun - 100



    Open the given Link

    It’s clear that the challenge has something to do with aws s3 buckets as per challage name & URL

    May be the aws bucket has flag file

    Open the base aws s3 link at http://bucketsoffun-ctf.s3.amazonaws.com/

    Here we can observe the following source code





    There is a file youfoundme-asd897kjm.txt which has required flag

  • UTC CTF - Dec 2019


    ezip - 31

    Given two files flag.zip and cat.png


    Analyse both the file

    flag.zip is password protected and we need to crack the password by using tools such as fcrackzip

    But we have another file cat.png, by analyzing this image using exiftool we can find flag.zip's password

    Use the password to unzip the flag.zip and we get flag.txt which contains our required flag

    Optics 1 - 42

    Given an image Challange1.png but there is an error opening the image


    Analyse the image header using XXD in linux or any other Hexeditor

    The png header is .PNG but here it is .LOL

    Edit and change the .LOL header to .PNG by using Hexeditor and save the image

    Now try to open the saved images we get a QR code scan it and get the flag

    Reverse Engineering ♥

    Strings - 26

    The strings file is an ELF executable


    Since the title of the challange says Strings

    Search for strings using strings command

    Note: There is also a fake flag utc{fakeflag}

    Corey's core dump 1 - 35

    The core file is an ELF executable


    First things first, always try to find and understand the executable file

    Here the ELF file cannot run

    Lets run strings same as previous challange

    Strings is a saviour

    Jump - 70

    The jump file is an ELF executable


    Level up, no strings this time

    Run the file we get a fake flag

    Lets start analysing the file using radare2

    There is a function called sym.gimme_flag but that function is not included in the main function

    So we have to make a jump to that sym.gimme_flag function to obtain the flag

    Let's start by setting a break point at starting of main

    Now Seek to sym.gimme_flag function

    Run the binary using dc command it hits the break point at main

    Now jump to function sym.gimme_flag using command dr rip=0x55680b9936fa (Starting address of sym.gimme_flag function)

    If we analyse carefully there is another jump to make inorder to get the flag

    In sym.gimme_flag function there is je 0x55680b993766 which doesnot take the jump

    So set another break point at je 0x55680b993766 which as address 0x55680b99374e

    Run the binary again using dc it hits the break point again, now jump to 0x55680b993766 address using command dr rip=0x55680b993766

    Again run dc to get the flag

  • Kipod After Free CTF - Dec 2019


    Cookie Clicker - 25


    Go to the given link and sign in with a username

    If we click 1000000 times we get the flag; LOL

    Challange Tags: Cookie, JWT, rock says we have to crack the JWT cookie using rockyou.txt as wordlist

    Copy the cookie from browser

    Go to www.jwt.io debugger and analyse the JWT cookie

    To obtain flag we have to change the "clickCounter" value from "0" to "1000000", to do this we have to first crack the JWT secret key to get valid JWT signature

    We can crack JWT secret key using John the Ripper, but first we have to convert JWT to a valid John the Ripper hash

    Go to link download the file jwt2jtr.py

    Using command python jwt2jtr.py eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6I...........Z6Rttqj40k6oeGrPVXm0 convert JWT to John the Ripper hash

    Copy the generated hash to a file for example: jwt.hash and crack it with using John the Ripper using command john jwt.hash --wordlist=rockyou.txt

    Now generate new JWT token from jwt.io using cracked secret key mypinkipod by changing clickCounter value from 0 to 1000000, if cookie expired change the "exp": value also

    Finally copy and paste the obtained JWT cookie from JWT.io to our challange website and refresh the page.

    Voila! there is our flag..!


    Tupper - 5

    K Value

    A simple challange, just goto link and Copy/Paste the K value

    Dinary - 15

    The dinary file is a valid PNG, but by analysing the png with binwalk there is some Zlib compressed data

    Lets use zsteg to extract the zlib compressed data

    And we got the flag !